Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Have the Best Readers in the World

It's very late Wednesday night, and I am staring at this screen trying to think what to write for Thursday because my scanner is not working at this moment, so I can't scan any of my newest cookbooks I accumulated while recently traveling from coast to coast.  Instead, I decided to tell you all how much you are appreciated.  I receive emails from so many of you, either telling me that you love the blog or asking for a recipe.  I have even made some wonderful new friends.  And some of you sweet people from around the world send me cookbooks.  I am even starting to get cookbooks from authors and publishers.  How do people find me?  I wonder that every day, but it doesn't matter.  All that matters is that we all have a common love for cooking, cookbooks, recipes, and just about anything in the massive world of food.  When I write my Pillsbury Bake-Off blog every Wednesday for each book from the contest, I am overwhelmed with all the response.  I hear from former contestants and families of former contestants, who tell me how much they love reading about their family members who have won prizes and have now passed on.  Cookbooks and recipes are living, breathing entities, and I realize that more and more each day, and with every blog I write.  In Wednesday's blog from Bake-Off # 17 which featured the iconic "Tunnel-of-Fudge Cake,"  I enjoyed hearing all the stories of how people still have this cake for their birthday, or how reading about the Bake-Off makes them miss their mothers and grandmothers.  I understand all this and feel along with you.  I love writing this blog and I love all of you.  Thank you for reading me, emailing me, and sending me books and magazines you know I will treasure.  Now go have a cup of coffee and think about what you will make for dinner tonight.  I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully with a new cookbook that I will be able to scan and help you find a great recipe-  because that's what I do.  And love every minute of it.


  1. Your writing comes from a place so deep in your heart that it is easy to love you. You are an inspiration.

  2. Lisa, that is one of the nicest comments anyone has ever said. You are so special and always in my mind, my sweet friend. I equally find you an inspiration. And to think we met at a long ago Bake-Off!
