Monday, December 19, 2011

Childhood Revisited

I just returned with my daughter Kristina from what has been one of the most memorable meals of my entire life.  If you have not heard of chef Grant Achatz of Chicago's "Next" restaurant, just google it.  In a nutshell, the chef changes his menu and theme every few months.  The first was Paris, then Thailand (I know!  I need to write about that experience, too), and this one was "Childhood."  Words can't describe it, but I am so happy yet so full right now, that I will have to write about it later because I am one tired little girl.  Watch for a blog about it soon.  In the meantime, I will give you a little teaser.

This work of art was the third course and it was so beautiful, I could hardly bear to eat it.  But I was so glad I did.  The little girl is a balsamic reduction, there is a delectable piece of fish under that layer of crispy potatoes, the foam is malt, the incredible crumbs for the fish are on the right, and the Meyer lemon sun was amazing with the paper thin cucumbers. 

This is just the beginning.  I can't wait to share the rest of the meal with you, although it actually was not just a meal, it was an experience.  I'll write about it later with more photos.  Now I must get to sleep and dream about my childhood.  For the second time tonight.

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