Monday, December 17, 2012

Our Grief-Stricken Nation

I have been staring at a blank screen for a very long time.  It's hard to write about a cookbook or a recipe amidst the tragic events in Connecticut.  I have changed the title about twenty times, and erased everything written in the last hour.  And I still am at a loss for words.  After watching the television reports nonstop for hours, my husband and I decided to go out into our lovely little town square and watch the children from our church present a nativity scene, complete with a sheep, goat, donkey, and calf, along with singing hymns.  The town came out to see these beautiful children with their Christmas message, but I know we were all thinking the same thing.  There are parents in Connecticut who will never see their children in such a performance.  I read that one of the little girls who was killed, was going to be an angel in a Christmas play this week.  After the presentation, one of the little girls, dressed as an angel, was running back around the corner to our church, where everyone was invited for hot chocolate and cookies.  She was chattering with her other friends as we heard one say, "Let's hurry so we can be first in line for cookies!"  At the church, one little boy was there with his parents already dressed in his footy pajamas, running up to the table to get a cookie.  Just watching the children and their bright faces made me want to cry again for the parents of the children in Connecticut.  We stopped in the sanctuary on our way out to pray for the families and hope that they will somehow find the strength to go on with their lives.  When my daughters and my mom arrive this week for Christmas, I will hold them all a little closer.  May God bless the families in Connecticut.

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