Friday, February 1, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday

Chili, chicken wings, and anything made with booze seems to be the expected fare of Super Bowl Sunday.  Remember that strange-sounding chili I wrote about last week?  My daughter Kristina made it and said it was delicious! 
The liquid ingredients include ginger ale, wine, and rum.
Looks good!  The original recipe called for kidney beans, but Kristina substituted pinto beans, which she likes better.  If I made it, I would have kept the kidney beans, but you can use any favorite bean.
Another recipe Kristina has on her blog is for these incredible bacon-wrapped brats with mustard dips.  I have tasted these, and believe me, if you want to make a Super Bowl treat, these will be very popular!  They disappear in seconds.
Here is the link to Kristina's blog where you will find the chili recipe, and if you scroll to the bottom, she includes a link to the bacon-wrapped brats along with some other Super Bowl recipe ideas.  Who are you hoping will win the game on Sunday?!
And how old am I that I remember watching Super Bowl #1??!

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