Monday, February 4, 2013

The Comfort of Homemade Noodles

It's been very cold outside (at least 10 below wind chill factor)  this past weekend here in the Chicago area, which means in my kitchen, it's time for Great-Aunt Margie's homemade noodles.  I have been making them for as long as I can remember.  The noodles can be put into soups or served alongside a stew.  They can be cut thick or thin; however you prefer them.  We usually like them cut on the thicker side.  I make them whenever I have a roast chicken, turkey, or beef soup bones, and use the bones to make a rich stock.  I chill the stock overnight, skim off the fat, heat the broth, and add the noodles along with whatever vegetables sound good at the moment.

When I was young and spending part of the summer at Aunt Margie's home in Iowa, she always made these noodles - with no recipe, of course.  Once as she was making them, I asked her to throw in whatever she usually did, but I would measure and write down the exact amounts.  The recipe follows for you to try.

The ingredients are mixed, dough is divided in half, and each portion rolled out on a heavily floured workspace to desired thickness.  The rolling pin in the foreground is one that I bought in Italy.  It's beautifully handmade and used for cutting thin noodles. 

I like the thicker-cut noodles.
Since it was so cold outside, I decided to roast a turkey and make turkey and noodles with the leftovers.  I would have to say of all the ways I use the noodles, this is my favorite.  It's like a big bowl of comfort!
Great Aunt Margie's Homemade Noodles
2 large eggs
4 Tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups all purpose flour
Additional flour for rolling out noodles
In a mixer bowl using paddle attachment, combine eggs, milk, and salt.  Add flour and mix until it forms a ball.  Divide dough in half and place on a heavily floured work surface.  Roll out dough, one ball at a time, to desired thickness.  Let dough rest for 20 minutes before cutting into noodles.  Toss all cut noodles together with flour and spread into one layer, not letting noodles clump together in a pile.  Allow noodles to dry at least several hours, or they can sit for the day until you use them.  I usually make the noodles mid-morning and let sit until dinnertime, occasionally tossing the noodles during the day.  Heat broth to boiling, add noodles, reduce heat to medium and cook until noodles are done, having a bite to them, but still soft and somewhat chewy.

1 comment:

  1. One of my husband's aunts was his family's noodle expert. She always made them for holiday dinners, and they were delicious. I wish now that I'd learned her recipe. I'd love to have a bowl of Mary Helen's noodles with some chicken or turkey and broth.

    I'm going to try Great Aunt Margie's recipe. I bet it's very much like Mary Helen's.
